Productions & Performances

 The Path of Heart

Universal time transcends mankind's ideas and notions of the sublime.
Age-old questions pondered worldwide of the purpose of our existence and the meanings inside.
The path of the heart resounds within each one
carrying us forward insistently for some.
Awakening to yourself is a blessing and a curse
knowing you must then honor your set course.
Your destiny, your splendor, and all it undoes
within and without a transformation sets about
unfolding your true essence
sometimes filling you with doubt..
To walk forward with a sense of calm your nerves must be stout
allowing the heart, mind, and soul to alight and abound.
The road is dusty, intensely shadowed one might say
yet well-marked along the way.
Remove the rose-colored glasses you insist are divine
and align with your true self, your essence desperate to unwind
the choking chains of reason, for then..
Idiocy declines to stay as your guide...
The road will brighten and give her hand
when we drop our illusions, our darkness, our egotistical stand..
Blossoming is a birth, a tight and painful push
but rewarding those who trust with their true brilliance as such..
I implore you to listen from your depths with intent,
your true nature calls, beckoning you within.
See and feel your insight and open the flow
to your dreams and your visions so destiny may feed your soul..

International Peace Day 2015

I was asked to write a piece for International Peace Day in 2015 by a wonderful woman, Signe Ramstrom, who lives in Crestone, Colorado. She hosted a beautiful event to honor this day and I wrote and read my piece to the community who came together. 

Un-Twisted Reading

 A number of years ago I wrote and directed a play on global sustainability which was part of a larger production called “It’s All Connected”. It was performed at Northern Arizona University. Nature is my grounder, my church. The trees are the Stewards of the Earth, hence the name of my play, "The Stewards of the Earth". They allow us to live on this extraordinary planet. A production about environmental and global awareness, the plot of my play explored the interconnectedness of all things locally and globally upon our planet. My play followed a circular web, an intricate interchange linking all of the character’s actions and choices, thus displaying the power behind every person’s deeds in the world. Resulting in the positive and negative impacts that weave the web of life on our Earth with particular focus upon the Rainforest, it’s destruction, the healing treasures within it, the interplay with corporations, and the full circle repercussions of ignorance and greed.

I worked as the Casting Coordinator for Wolfsong Informatics Production Company on a 3.2 million dollar medical virtual reality training video. My responsibilities included casting all the actors for the 12 scripts, organizing the actors, coordinating the police department into the scenes, troubleshooting, strong interpersonal skills, and multi-tasking with high financial pressure riding on my ability to bring all my requirements together for the daily film shoots. I also acted in the film. It was designed and created for universities training paramedics in various "real life" encounters for students to have a much more realistic portrayal of what they would be exposed to out in the field. This virtual reality training video was and may still be being used in universities all over the country. We had real paramedics, firefighters, and police officers as integral players of the video.

Also during my time in Arizona, I was a cast member of The Vagina Monologues three years in a row helping to raise consciousness in stopping violence towards women. It was a very powerful experience as the monologues are all true accounts based upon interviews from women all over the world, not to mention the courage it takes to stand in front of hundreds of people speaking about very delicate subjects. All of the money we raised through our performances went towards helping stop domestic violence locally while opening and expanding community awareness.

I enjoyed being part of an Improv group for a short time. It was very engaging and a great way to keep on your toes! I was also the lead cast member in a production called "BIRTH". A play by Karen Brody which focused on bringing better choices, positive change and support for birthing mothers in the American Healthcare System. It was an honor to be part of such broad based community awareness programs.